This ornament was from a box of Ghirardelli chocolate.  What, how does a cable car get mixed up with chocolate?

Well, Ghirardelli chocolate comes from San Francisco, and everyone knows about the San Francisco treat, which is Rice-o-roni, which has a “bing-bing” at the end of the gingle, which everyone knows is a cable car.  See, makes perfect sense.

You could probably go straight from San Francisco to cable car, but that’s not half as entertaining.

This ornament was bought on a two week long vacation when we lived in Flagstaff, Arizona.  We traveled by car to San Francisco and then up highway 101 along the Northwestern coast.  It was magical seeing the Redwoods in Northern California, the seals and cliffs of Oregon, and the rain forest of Washington.  We finished it off by taking a fairy – I mean ferry – to Victoria, Canada.  Magical I tell you, magical.

What was most eye-opening for Cindy and I was how inexpensive the trip was since we drove and camped most of the way.  Two weeks and less than a few hundred dollars.  Amazingly cost effective for the experience.

It was also the moment that I realized how close we were as a family when we traveled.  The girls were excited everyday to see new things, played nice with each other, and laughed the day along.  As parents, it was a revelation.

As a consequence of this trip, I have concocted a whole bunch of travel craziness to date.

If Cindy had only known.  He he.

RTW Family Travel - USA - San Francisco - Cable Car Ride

RTW Family Travel - USA - Washington - Round Rock Beach